Teaching Foreshadowing with Apple’s Pages

Foreshadowing, it seems like a common enough concept to an adult, but search the term up on Safari and read over the definition you find.  I pre-loaded this large unit early in the year as we read Hatchet and Number The Stars.  Once something occurred that actually was foreshadowing and it came to be in the novel, I would point it out to the students.  However, this did not allow the students to be scientific readers and have ownership for finding foreshadowing independently.

That lead me to ask the quesitons:

  • How do you teach foreshadowing to a child well without giving away something?
  • How do you make them an active learner with foreshadowing before the foreshadowing comes to fruition?

Each of these are good questions, and I had to come up with a solution.  While reviewing projects other teachers were having students do, I stumbled upon a great idea. In September Apple shared a project that April Requard, an instructional technology teacher in New Mexico, had students complete.  It was called an “All About Me” project. You can see some of these projects here. (I fully intend to have my 5th grade students complete this project this year.  It is so cool, but I digress.)

Lightbulb! Ta-da!  I had an idea….Students could use Pages to create a working sequence of events project and predict what events may be foreshadowing!  Tuck Everlasting was the next novel my class was set to read, and I knew this would fit perfectly in line with teaching foreshadowing and this project.

Students were very familiar with outlining a sequence of events.  They also had recently been taught about color symbolism.  Find that lesson here: Reading Comprehension Color Imagery. I knew this could greatly add to the overall look of their presentation and give greater meaning to the icons they used.

As we progressed through the novel, students were told to add important events to their projects.  They were also instructed to act like reading scientists and add things that stood out to them and they believed they could see being foreshadowing.  Conversations broke out throughout the classroom of what they believed and thought about the novels and clues within them.  They were intrigued, owning their learning, and even arguing their beliefs!

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